Selfishly, I'm ok that the editor gig didn't work out as we didn't hear from The Owl as much. I am glad you were able to experience it and I know you added great value and left your mark.

Now, let's get this health stuff figured out so that you can get back to the track! Take care, friend.

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I love your honesty, Erik. Your "letter" was a refreshing read and one that I could identify with. My Dad had a saying: "I'm not as good as I once was; but I'm as good, Once, as I ever was". I'm pretty sure there are a lot of us who fall into that category. My Mom had her saying and one that I always particularly loved: "When one door is closed for you; another will open up." You'll find some new and wonderfully rewarding endeavors to undertake. As my friend, Sherry says, Onward!

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Thanks for all you did for our community! Sorry to hear that it took such a toll on your heart!

The Leader is better, and therefore our community too, because of your efforts.

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